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KSU Rector Aigul Abdraeva took part in the event organized on the occasion of the International Day of Environmental Protection

On June 9, Aigul Abdraeva, rector of KSU named after I. Arabaev, participated in the event organized on the occasion of the International Day of Environmental Protection. The event was held in "Yntymak" park. It was attended by Nurjigit Kadyrbekov, a member of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ibrahim Al-Radi, the Special and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Kyrgyzstan. Also, KSU Vice-Rector for State Language, Youth Policy and Sports Jaina Sadykbek Kyzy, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Tourism Mirlan Dyldaev and Dean of Theology Faculty Nurbek Shamraliev participated and planted saplings to improve the environment.