Doctorate, PHD and Postgraduate Department


  1. Normative documents

I.1. The Normative documentations of KSU named after I. Arabaev

- The Law about the department

- The functional responsibilities of the department

- The work plan for 2023

 I.2.  The normative documents of the Ministry of education and science of the Kyrgyz Republic 

- The law on training scientific pedagogical specialists

I.3. The Normative documents, Resolutions of National Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic 

- The announcement of the terms of publication for candidates for scientific degree and scientific ranks

-  Additional criteria (with scores) for the evaluation of the results of scientific work for awarding academic degrees (AD) and scientific titles (ST)

The act of implementing the results of research, scientific and technical work, (or) scientific and (or) scientific and technical work

The topic of the dissertation, the code of the scientific specialty and the period of protection after the re-approval of the scientific supervisor

The topic of the dissertation, the code of the scientific specialty and the period of protection after the re-approval of the scientific supervisor

Regulation of The NAC of the KR:

  • The Regulation on Dissertation Council

  • Regulation on the procedure for awarding scientific degrees

  • Regulation on the procedure for awarding scientific titles

The Instruction of NAC of the KR:

  • Instructions on how to write a dissertation and abstract

  • Instructions on conducting a preliminary review of the thesis submitted for obtaining a scientific degree

- Anti-plagiarism instructions

The lists:

  • Nomenclature of scientific specialities

 - The information about postgraduate/ PhD of in High Education Institutions, National Research Universities.

-List of universities and Institutes with the rights to accept to candidacy exams

The list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations  published, approved by the resolution #. 262 on November 26, 2015 of the Presidium of the HAC (Higher Attestation Commission) of the Kyrgyz Republic

 The list of peer-reviewed scientific periodicals for publication of the main scientific results of the dissertation, approved by the resolution #121 on September 27, 2018 of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

The list of peer-reviewed scientific periodicals for publication of the main scientific results of the dissertation, approved by the resolution # 121 of September 27, 2018 of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

The list of peer-reviewed scientific periodicals for publication of the main scientific results of the dissertation, approved by the resolution # 121 of September 27, 2018 of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

  1. List of scientific directions and specialties prepared at KSU named after I. Arabaev
  2. For applicants
  3. For postgraduates

- Personal work plan of postgraduate student

- The samples of applications/ theme/ scientific supervisor/ consultant approval/ re-approval


I.1. The normative documents of the KSU named after I. Arabaev:

 REGULATION on the procedure for organizing post-university professional education (basic doctorate (PhD) / by profile) and awarding doctor qualification (PhD) / by profile) at the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev.

I.2. Normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the KR:

REGULATION on the procedure for organizing post-university professional education (basic doctorate (PhD) / by profile) and awarding the qualification of doctor of philosophy (PhD) / doctor by profile

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for accredited educational programs for the preparation of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Doctor of the profile

  1. License Documents
  2. For the tasks

Ergeshbaeva Nurisa Abdiseitovna
Head of Department of Doctorate, PhD and Postgraduate Studies
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Professor
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor 
tel: 0778277591

Chukun kyzy Nazima
Senior (or Leading)  inspector
tel: 0772 70 30 83
Orokchueva  Alina Jyldyzbekovna 
Senior (or Leading)  inspector
tel:0706 90 77 66