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KSU named after I. Arabaev and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation signed a bilateral memorandum

Today, August 29, the rector of KSU named after I. Arabaev, professor Aigul Abdraeva met with Andre Algermissen, regional representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Central Asia.

Cholpon Koichumanova, director of HSLEI named after E. J. Maanaev, took part in the meeting.

At the meeting, Mr. Andre Algermissen expressed his interest in signing a bilateral memorandum on conducting joint events and conferences on the activities of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, scientific research and education. He also added that he will provide comprehensive support to the students of KSU named after I. Arabaev.

Rector of KSU named after I.Arabaev Aigul Abdraeva expressed gratitude to the representatives of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for their intention to sign a bilateral memorandum, noting that this memorandum will strengthen the relationship between the foundation and the university and pave the way for further development. Also, the university and the foundation organize joint scientific research, scientific and educational activities, he said that he is ready to hold conferences and competitions.

At the meeting, the rector of KSU named after I. Arabayev, professor Aigul Abdraeva and the regional representative of the Conrad Adenauer Foundation for Central Asia, Andre Algermissen, officially signed a bilateral memorandum.