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Students of KSU named after I. Arabaev are participating in the international competition "The best student of the CIS"

Students of the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev, Zhazdai Kerezbek, Ayzirek Anarbekova, Baktygul Mukhtarbek, took part in the second round of the international contest "The Best Student of the CIS". Students of KSU were awarded with diplomas of the first degree for their contribution to the development of youth policy in the CIS countries and active participation in public affairs. The judges of the competition emphasized that the works of KSU students fully meet the requirements. The event was organized by the National Innovative Research Center "Education-Orkenity" of the Republic of Kazakhstan and "Academy of Best Students".

It should be noted that the awarding ceremony of the winners will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The competition is held annually among scientific research and educational institutions of the CIS countries.