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Scientific and practical conference "Manas through the eyes of students" was held at KSU

A scientific and practical conference was held at the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev under the title "Manas through the eyes of students".

This event was organized on December 4 - the day of the "Manas" epic, and its special significance and greatness were celebrated. The conference was attended by the Department of Manas Studies of KSU named after I. Arabaev, philologists, teachers of medical and humanitarian-pedagogical colleges, and students. Each of the students made speeches that reflected the deep content and historical significance of the "Manas" epic. In the speeches, the feelings of heroism, bravery and patriotism in the epic were revealed with special skill.

The following topics were discussed at the event:

1. Medicine in the epic "Manas".

2. Embassy relations in the epic "Manas".

3. Status of the "Manas" epic over 100 years.

4. Sagymbai Orozbakov is a great storyteller.

5. Cinema and "Manas".

6. Features of the "Manas" epic.

7. "Manas" and folk medicine.

The ideas of love for the motherland, honor and justice passing through each line of the epic were emphasized in the speeches, and the meaning of the main events was revealed. Also, young researchers deeply studied the epic "Manas" and proposed modern methods of conveying it to the new generation. As a result of the conference, active students were awarded prizes. The event ended with many interesting ideas. The event was organized by the Department of Manas Studies of MTMI.