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On the initiative of the rector of KSU, a methodological office named after Professor Sh. Kadyrova was opened

Today, on June 10, the opening ceremony of Sharypa Kadyrova's methodical office dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the honored employee of the Kyrgyz Education, doctor of philological sciences, professor Sh. The event was attended by the rector of KSU named after I. Arabayev, PhD, prof. A HORSE. Abdraeva, Sh.Kadyrova's son A. Imangaziev, director of DTEMI named after Sh. Kadyrova, PhD, prof. N.K. Sartbekova, f.i.d., prof. Z. Karaeva, f.i.d., prof. A.A. Bekbalaev, f.i.d., prof. Ch. K. Naimanova, f.i.d., prof. D.I. Kozuev, as well as graduate students of Sh. Kadyrova, faculty and students of the university took part. The methodical office is equipped with modern technologies that meet the current requirements in foreign language teaching for faculty members and students.  Professor Sharypa Kadyrova graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​with an honors diploma and devoted her career, scientific activity and education to the younger generation.  As part of the event, scholarships were presented to top students of the institute on behalf of Sharypa Kadyrova's family.