Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Tourism G. Zhalilova met with the Director of Science and Protection of the Snow Leopard Trust of the United States.
Today, December 19, Gulnaz Jalilova, director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Tourism of the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev, met with Kostub Sharma, director of science and protection of the American organization Snow Leopard Trust, and Kubanych met with his son Jumabaya. The meeting was attended by the head of the department of biology and technology of its training Mayramkul Kirbashova, head of the department of biodiversity named after M.M. Botbaeva Saltanat Kendirbaeva. During the meeting, they discussed issues of increasing students' interest in nature by attracting to various important events, organizing trainings and guest lectures, conducting training aimed at using geoinformatics and new digital technologies, as well as joint organization of international conferences. The purpose of the meeting: organization of activities to protect biodiversity at a high level, the use of appropriate application modules in the educational process, the development of textbooks of a new direction together with the teaching staff of the institute, the establishment of close ties with regional partner educational institutions, the exchange of information and the conduct of scientific research together with students, undergraduates, doctoral students